Sleep is essential; however, leaving your child sleeping in a swing can is very dangerous. A new study has warned parents about the risk of position asphyxia which is associated with sitting devices. Usually, babies need to sleep approximately 12 to 16 hours per day; this will highly depend on their age. Nevertheless, where they sleep is of much importance than how much they sleep. A study involving 11, 700 infants with sleep-related deaths within a course of 10 years has found out that 3% of the babies which is nearly 350 died in a sitting device which includes swing, car seat, or a bouncer. Therefore, in this article, we shall be discussing why can’t babies sleep in swings.
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Prolonged Sleep in a Swing
It is with no doubt that letting your child sleep in a swing for a prolonged period, particularly when they are unattended for, is very unsafe. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), has advised parents against the use of infant swings for a sleeping child. Furthermore, they have advised the parents to limit the amount of walking time their babies tend to spend in a seat including an infant swing, car seat, bouncy seat, or carrier. This is to aid in preventing the baby’s still-soft head from being flat due to remaining in the same position for an extended period of time.
Whenever a baby falls asleep in a swing, bouncy seat or a car seat AAP advises the caregiver to move them to a firm surface in their room as soon as possible. By doing so, you will be able to avoid any injuries or eventual death from occurring.
According to AAP, when a child sits upright for an extended period that is in a swing or a car seat, they can find it hard to breathe well which can lead into the elevated risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
As a result, it will be best if you avoid letting your child sleep in a swing at night. However, a short and supervised nap during the day can be considered safe. During this time, you should strap your child in the swing tightly and avoid putting any loose blanket, stuffed animal, or pillow in a swing along with your child.
Effects of Allowing Your Child to Nap in a Swing Too Often
You should note that when you allow your child to nap in a swing too often can result in a problem. Since our infants are quick in forming a habit, too much of something good is never good for them. At times, rocking your baby to sleep or letting them continuously sleep on your arm can fail to go as planned. Your child can develop a habit, and as time progresses, you will come to find out that they will not settle for anything else other than what they are used to.
The same habit can develop when a child gets used to sleeping in a swing. When your baby starts falling asleep while on the swing, you will find out that they cannot sleep anywhere else other than in a swing. At this point, you will start feeling like the swing is causing more problems than helping you and your child.
Safe Baby Swing For Napping Recommend
What You Need to Know About Sitting Devices
In addition to swings, car seats, and bouncers among other sitting devices are said to be the major causes of sudden infant death syndrome. Despite the fact that car seats are the best place for a child while in a vehicle, the majority of SIDS occur in a car seat. It is said that 90% of SIDS occurs in car seats.
When using sitting devices such as a swing in a bassinet or a crib, an infant can die as a result of falling, suffer from position asphyxia and flipping as well. Furthermore, improper buckling os straps can lead to sudden infant death syndrome.
Final Verdict
With several studies showing the effect of swings and other siting devices on the wellness of a child, it is highly advisable to avoid them or use them with utmost supervision. American Academy of Pediatrics highly recommends tummy time for infants. This means that you should start tummy time immediately when you get home from the hospital. It would help if you considered putting your child on the stomach while they are awake for approximately three to five minutes at a time for two to three times a day.