Are C Section Babies Different?

is c section baby different from health

Birth by c section exposes the child to several risks. Compared to babies born vaginally, the c section babies are at risk of health complications. The risks rarely face the child born vaginally. The chances are high, especially when the mother did not experience labor. These babies can most likely develop breathing problems. However, when … Read more

Why Do Babies Have A Witching Hour?

witching hour

Babies can go wild sometimes; however, most of the time, this can be unpredictable. Therefore, new mothers should learn how to handle their babies cry, even if it is painful and hard. This means they should have a clear understanding of moods that are innumerable from their babies and function appropriately with the available minimal … Read more

What Age Do Babies Cry Most?

what age baby cry

Usually, babies tend to cry when they are tired, hungry, uncomfortable, in pain, or sick while sometimes they cry because they need affection. Older children and toddlers tend to cry at times when they are frustrated, angry, or sad. However, sometimes it can be very challenging to figure out what you crying child requires; especially … Read more

What Is Infant Shudder Syndrome?

infant shudder syndrom

Babies mostly make much of movements that can be mistaken for seizure and may include having quivering chins, trembling in the hands and legs, and jerky movements of the arms. Fortunately, such types of movements are normal, but if you are experiencing movements from your baby that you think can be a seizure, then you … Read more

Fisher Price Elephant Safari Cradle N Swing Reviews

fisher price deluxe cradle n swing in safari dreams

Finding the right way to entertain and soothe a baby can be a frustrating process for any new or seasoned parent. Maybe you’re a grandparent searching for something for your new grandbaby. Either way, Fisher-Price has the perfect solution. The new Fisher-Price Elephant Safari Cradle N Swing is just what you need for your baby. … Read more

What Are Baby Food Supplements And What Do Babies Need Most?

baby food supplement recommend

The health of your baby will always matter. However, did you know that supplements will come in handy in boosting this health? As long as you can choose the right ones, you will be sure of the best results in the long run. Take the time to identify nutritious food for your baby to be … Read more

Fisher Price Rainforest Swing Reviews

fisher price rainforest take along swing & seat

Searching for a way to entertain your new baby? Fisher-Price Rainforest swing has everything you need for your little one. From musical sounds to fun dangling Rainforest Friends, there is something for every baby to enjoy! Improve your child’s gross motor skills through play or auditory skills through music exploration. The mobile is not stationary … Read more

Baby Glider Vs. Swing 

comparison between glider and swing

A few years back, you would not be struggling between baby gliders and swings. However, today, you will require something that swings and soothes your baby. These two products will come in handy in giving you the experience that you so need for the baby. In pursuit of the best experience for your child, you … Read more